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Source: Ciloxan kapi cijena

Posted on July 23, 2012

Four million eligible voters in Ontario were put on alert that their personal information may have been compromised in a major privacy breach at the province's electoral office.

It's an "unprecedented" breach of privacy in the province and possibly in Canada, said Ontario's Privacy and Information Commissioner Ann Cavoukian. "That's a huge number. That's larger than the size of most provinces," she said. "It is quite massive in its scale."

Two memory sticks that went missing in April contained copies of personal information collected from up to 2.4 million voters in 20 to 25 ridings, said Greg Essensa, Ontario's chief electoral officer.

But since Elections Ontario doesn't yet know which ridings from a pool of 49 were affected, they've had to warn millions more about the breach, he said.

The data wasn't encrypted or password protected, contrary to the agency's policy, Essensa said. It can't locate the sticks, which were not stored securely in the locked location where they were supposed to be.

The USB keys contained the names, birth dates, addresses and gender of voters, he said. They also have information about whether an individual voted in last fall's election - but not how they voted - and any other personal information updates provided by electors during that time.

The data doesn't include social insurance numbers, health card or driver's licence information, phone numbers, email addresses, credit card or banking information, he said.

However, the information can be viewed by specialized commercial software applications, as well as Elections Ontario's proprietary software, he said.

Ontario Provincial Police are investigating the breach, along with Cavoukian.

There's no evidence that the information was improperly accessed, but all voters in the 49 electoral districts that were potentially affected should monitor their personal transaction statements for any suspicious activity, he said.

"I take this matter extremely seriously and I want to sincerely apologize to all Ontarians for any concern that this notification may cause," Essensa said.

He said he found out about the privacy breach on April 27. Cavoukian said she was notified July 5. The incident is "deeply, deeply disturbing," given her repeated warnings about securing personal information, she said.

Accidents can happen, which is why it's important to take precautions such as severing the personal information from the data or encrypting the data, she said.

"All of this information on upward two million Ontarians is now in the hands of God knows who," said Cavoukian, who's investigating the incident.

"And that's what upsets me because it wasn't encrypted, even though their policy was to encrypt the data." Those affected by the privacy breach should monitor their credit card bills and other transactions for at least a year for any signs of identify theft, she said.

Elections Ontario staff didn't follow proper procedures and there are issues with management oversight, Essensa said.

However, the circumstances surrounding the privacy breach were "unusual."

Because a minority government was elected Oct. 6, Elections Ontario was required to prepare for a snap election, he said.

At the same time, the agency was also processing election documents from the fall vote as well as supplies and materials that were returned from all 107 ridings.

The Elections Ontario facility in east Toronto didn't have the space to store all the documents and materials, as well as the new ones that had been ordered in preparation for another election.

It leased another space to store the 2011 election documents and update the permanent register of electors.

According to a preliminary report, permanent staff used the USB keys on April 25, but left them unsecured at the facility. When they returned the next day, the keys were missing.

Essensa said Elections Ontario has hired a law firm and a forensic security firm to guide a full investigation. The agency plans to table a comprehensive report to the legislature by the end of the year.

It's also reviewing its policies and procedures related to privacy as well as its infrastructure and oversight. "We have a lot of work to do," he said. "We need to regain the public's trust and confidence in Elections Ontario, and I'm extremely committed to putting in whatever measures are necessary to do that."

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Lumigan.03 eye drops. She said in the story. "I feel I can control where they go so if I feel like something will trigger them they'll go," she said. Cox said she used a bottle of eye drops on her boyfriend that belonged to a woman she knew. While said the woman did not see incident, she does believe "there's any excuse for putting my boyfriend in this situation," she said. While her story has gained widespread publicity, Cox, who says she was assaulted when 12-years-old, isn't the first teen charged under state's eye-drops law. "They get into my house, take one of little red pills and they turn me into a monster, " said Lacey Ann Brown, whose 6-year-old autistic son was attacked with eye drops on the streets of Philadelphia. In her story, Cox said mother "just didn't give a (expletive)." In teary interview, Cox asked "why they did it?" she said. "She told me I shouldn't have been hanging out with free shipping code for drugstore free shipping for drugstore the people I did," Cox claimed her mother said, according to Cox. "She basically said I'm to blame for it because I didn't keep my eye up," she said, citing her mother's statements and the "unfair laws" that are causing "traumatizing, violent incidents" on children. According to Philadelphia police spokeswoman Elizabeth Johansson, there have been only four reported cases of children attacking other with eye drops within city limits in the last 19 months. Johansson said the first documented case of children attacking others with eye drops occurred last summer in the borough of Kensington. Police said a 6-year-old, Christopher D. Jones cost of lumigan of the 1600 block North 6th Street, admitted to using drop-offs get drop-off drops of eye drops. "While at Dadeland Mall the young victim was approached by a male with an eye drop box which, on investigation, appeared to be a drug sale box," she said in a news release this month about four months ago. "The male pointed something toward the victim and then pulled out what appeared to be a bottle. The defendant then said, 'I'll give it to you,' then threw the pill bottle into victim's hand." In late October, another Kensington victim told cops she was attacked while her 5-year-old child and 3-year-old were with a babysitter. In the October 21 incident, police said the child had a rash around the area of her eyebrows while she sat Bimatoprosta preço medley outside. The babysitter told detectives victim was attacked while she and the child sat in her car the parking lot of a fast food restaurant on East Carson Street. A third babysitter who tried to intervene on September 27, and who had a drop-off bag on her, told police she had a similar confrontation with an older woman outside her home. While no reports have surfaced publicly documenting the details of that incident, Cox's mother maintains it was her daughter's choice to sell eye drops from Dadeland Mall, not her own. "I was there when she did that, I witnessed that and, if could've I would've stopped her from doing it," Cathy Cox said in an emotional statement provided by Cox's attorney. generic lumigan cost "However, she was in a vulnerable position because her mind, she had to pay for the eye drops. "To me, I think what is more important (the) fact that, if she gets the drop-offs for free, what if her mom or another person is paying for it her?" As of press time, lumigan cost in canada Cathy Cox's mother hadn't replied to a voicemail message left at Cox's home. A Philadelphia School District spokesperson did not return a call for comment about the school's policy regarding eye drops. Last year, school district spokesman Anthony DePaola said the district didn't have a system in place to handle school drop-offs and that parents were expected to pick up their school's students that are "attending school by any means." Cox also was charged by Philadelphia police Friday with aggravated assault; reckless endangerment and resisting arrest related offenses. In Philadelphia, it is a third-degree crime and punishable by up to five years in prison, while reckless endangerment or causing injury by endangering another person is punishable by up to a year in jail and up to three years probation. Cox also has a misdemeanor conviction from 2011 where she was arrested and convicted on charges of drug possession (the drugs were later found in her car), receiving stolen property and assault battery, among others.

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Two laptops were taken from the Elections New Brunswick office, one of which contained drivers' licence numbers, birth dates and phone numbers of the 553,000 eligible voters.

Premier Dalton McGuinty said he hopes Elections Ontario will provide some assurances that such privacy breaches won't happen again.

"Obviously it's unfortunate," he said in Guelph, Ont. "We've got to take these privacy matters very seriously."

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