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Research and retrieval of news articles by:
Bennett Gold LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants

Effective December 31 2012, articles are no longer being updated on this web site.
The site is now maintained as an historical archive, covering notable e-commerce news articles from the period 1999 to 2012.


Source: ECommerce-Guide.com

Posted on July 9, 2002

      Your domain name represents your piece of Internet real estate. It is the equivalent of owning a parcel of commercial property but better. A physical store will only attract customers from a specific geographic area, whereas your e-store can count the world among its potential clientele.

      Also, your Web address is representative of much hard work, planning, personal sacrifice and, of course, money. Therefore, it is in your best interest to make sure that URL gets seen and clicked as much as possible. Here are some offline methods for spreading your Web address around:

      -- Letterhead, business cards, envelopes, fax cover sheets, flyers, invoices, thank you cards, coupons and gift certificates -- all printed material.

      -- Packaging including boxes, shipping tape and labels -- It may seem like an unnecessary expense since the recipients of your merchandise already know your Web address. However, the boxes may spend days in transit and be exposed to an abundance of eyeballs.

      -- Company vehicles -- Even if you don't have dedicated professional transportation, you can put a removable sign on your own personal vehicle.

      -- Promotional items and giveaways -- You can imprint your URL on simple items such as pens, mousepads and keychains, or more elaborate PDA cases, disk holders and executive toys.

      -- T-shirts, hats, jackets and bumper stickers -- Cultivate as many global relationships as possible and mail these to your friends around the world so they can indirectly do some marketing for you.

      -- Signage around the office location -- This includes building and elevator directories, parking lot displays and lobby signs.

      -- Employees' outgoing voicemail messages -- Some people retain auditory information better than visual.

      -- Billboards -- Give daily commuters something to read while they sit in traffic.

      -- Yellow pages -- The Internet has made a percentage of us less reliant on this book but there are still millions that use it frequently.

      -- Community events -- The bigger the venue, the better.

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In accordance with United States Code, Title 17, Section 107 and Article 10 of The Berne Convention on Literary and Artistic Works, the news clippings on this web site are made available without profit for research and educational purposes.

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